Master The Ukulele LEVEL 1
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Level 1 is a perfect course for the absolute beginner to the intermediate ukulele player -
Do You Share Some Of These Common Frustrations?
"Where do I start?" - Most people have a hard time knowing where to start, and in what order to learn things. Should you learn strum patterns first? Chords and chord progressions? What about scales?
"Switching chords is hard." - Can you play a handful of chords but when you try switch from chord to chord does it take too long? Do you have trouble memorizing chords?
"Everything goes too fast." - Playing at home by yourself is fun but when you play along with your favorite song do the chords go by too fast and you get lost?
"I don't have time." - I have kids and a full time job. I would love to sit and play ukulele all day but let's face it, I only have about 20 minutes a day to fit in practice with all my other responsibilities.
"I've tried learning on my own but I'm stuck." - There are lots of options online (YouTube, Instagram, websites, etc.) but it's hard to follow any kind of step-by-step curriculum when each videos is taught by a different person and the content jumps around so much.
Here is what Uke Like The Pros can do for you:
Discover all the chords necessary to play any song that you have every wanted to play. No more wondering "what is that chord shape" when you see chords in songs or see someone else playing. You can start showing others the 'cool' chords you know.
Develop amazing right hand technique. The strumming hand is the most important hand when playing the ukulele. I will show you techniques that will help you develop speed, strength, and dexterity.
Master the different strum patterns used in all styles of music. Finally be able to hear and play any strum pattern in any song whether it's fast or slow, complex or simple. Through the easy to follow videos I will not only show you (both in the video and with a chord diagram), but you can play along with me until you have the chords "locked" in your head and hands.
You'll learn many different styles of music. I'll teach you exactly how to play styles such as pop, rock, jazz, blues, reggae, 'island', country, and fingerstyle. This will open up a whole new world for you as you begin to understand all the nuances that give each style it's unique sound.
Develop a strong sense of rhythm and time. One of the most important aspects of playing music is playing with solid time. Each video has a Backing Track so you can play along with the 'band' and learn how to find the groove and keep solid time.
You'll get a logical and methodical system for learning the ukulele. The lessons were developed so you can decide where you are as a player and pick the appropriate path. Each lesson will build on things you learned from the previous lesson and you can go at your own pace. Choose between Easy, Intermediate, and Advanced lessons. You'll see the difference in your playing as you master each lesson.
Grow your confidence. Feel secure that the information you are learning will help you weather you want to play your favorite songs, write your own songs, play with friends, jam at the beach, or just have a good time in the comfort of your home.
Easy to follow. Each lesson has On-Screen Chords, TAB, and Notation. Keep your eyes on the videos and the screen will show you everything that I am demonstrating to you in the video.
Each lesson has the option to download the sheet music for each song and lesson. This will help you see the entire form structure of the song and will be a great resource to be able to play the songs anywhere, anytime.
Each lesson has a downloadable Backing Track. This will not only help strengthen your rhythm and strumming but will give you the excitement and fun of playing with a band.
What Exactly Will Uke Like The Pros Teach Me?
- Lesson 1 - Parts of the ukulele: This lesson covers all the different parts and terminology of the ukulele. This information is essential as a ukulele player.
- Lesson 2 - Understanding Rhythms: This is one of the most important lessons in this course. Once you master the rhythms in this lesson you will be able to play the strum patterns that you will hear in hundreds of songs.
- Lesson 3 - Essential Strum Pattern #1: This is the first of 6 lessons that will work on a specific key strum patterns and chord progressions. This lesson will teach you the I and IV chords and will develop your strumming technique.
- Lesson 4 - Essential Strum Pattern #2: We are now building on our right hand technique and adding a new chord, the V chord. You will now know the most important chords in music, the I, IV and V chords. These 3 chords alone will allow you to play a crazy amount of songs.
- Lesson 5 - Essential Strum Pattern #3: Here you will learn your first 'minor' chord. Minor chords help give a darker sound vs. the major chords. The strum pattern is now getting more 'busy' and will help you play songs by many of the great British Invasion bands such as Led Zeppelin, The Animals, and The Beatles.
- Lesson 6 - Essential Strum Pattern #4: I like to call this chord progression and strum pattern the "Let It Be" pattern. This will give you the I, IV and V chords in a new key and help you to switch chords quickly and effortlessly.
- Lesson 7 - Essential Strum Pattern #5: In this lesson you will be introduced to the vi chord. This chord is typically a minor chord and really adds a new flavor to the I, IV and V chords. The strum pattern uses mainly 1/8 notes and is really going to strengthen your strumming hand.
- Lesson 8: Essential Strum Pattern #6: This is the 'granddaddy' of all strum patterns. Once you master these pattern you will be amazed at your ability and how many places you can apply this technique. Plus, you will be introduce to your first seventh chords, the basis of blues and jazz progressions.
- Lesson 9 - Let It Be: This lesson will focus on the chords that you will see in classic songs by bands such as The Beatles, Green Day, U2, Bob Marley, and so so many more. An absolute must know lesson that is the gateway to helping you learn other great songs.
- Lesson 10 - Blues Shuffle: I love the blues and you will also. The Blues is one of the most important genres to be created. Without Blues we wouldn't have styles such as Jazz and Rock and Roll. This lessons will get you started playing with a shuffle or swing feel and will be the first of many lessons as we explore the world of Blues ukulele.
- Lesson 11 - Fingerpicking: In this lesson you will learn the basics of fingerpicking ukulele. Even if you have never played fingerstyle, this lesson is perfect for you to get started. We will work on using P (thumb), i (index) and m (middle) fingers to open up this new world to you.
- Lesson 12 - Knockin' On Heaven's Door: In the world of folk and folk-rock music, Bob Dylan is the leader. In this progression we will explore one of Dylan's biggest and simplest tunes as we dive into his genius.
- Lesson 13 - Brown Eyed Girl: In this lesson we will explore the chords and rhythms that created a progression that has been duplicated thousands of times by using the I, IV, V, and vi chords. We will also reintroduce the "granddaddy" strum pattern as you weave your way through this beautiful song.
- Lesson 14 - Johnny B. Goode Blues: Chuck Berry is known as the Godfather of Rock and Roll. In the early 1950's Chuck Berry took the Blues, speed it up, played with a straight even feel and added fun lyrics and help create Rock and Roll. Here we will focus on the rhythm that changed the course of music forever and created Rock and Roll.
- Lesson 15 - Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay: In this lesson we will learn 2 really important things, the B7 chord and the 'muted' strum pattern. Though we mainly see 7th chords in Jazz and Blues, this is a great way to incorporate the 7th chord into a Pop song. Also, the 'muted' strum pattern will really take your technique to a new level.
- Lesson 16 - La Bamba: Ritchie Valens was right there with Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly creating the Rock and Roll sound. Valens helped introduce the hispanic audience to the sounds of Rock. I couldn't think of a better way to represent him then by teaching La Bamba. Although the entire song only uses 3 chords, the strum pattern is full of syncopations that I know you will love.
- Lesson 17 - Riptide: Vance Joy broke on the music scene with a mighty force with songs such as Riptide. A great blend of classic and contemporary island feel to make you smile and tap your feet. Here is another song with only 3 chords (which I personally love), but his use of contemporary strum patterns and soulful lyrics he has captured a truly unique sound. This lesson will show you all the tricks you need to reproduce his sound.
- Lesson 18 - Minor Pentatonic and Blues Scale: By far the most important scales you will learn as a budding ukulele player. These 2 scales alone will help you play Blues, Rock, Pop, Jazz, Christian, Hip-Hop, and every other style you can think of.
- Lesson 19 - The Major Scale: The major scale is key in creating melodies. Are you a songwriter? Major scales are a great place to start with melodic ideas both with lyrics and licks.
- Lesson 20 - Natural Minor and Harmonic Minor Scales: The Natural Minor scale is very similar to the Minor Pentatonic but adds a few extra notes. It is a really cool and important scale that helps give your solos and melodies a darker or 'sad' feel. The Harmonic Minor is an exotic scale that has a unique sound almost like a Middle Eastern quality to it.
- Lesson 21 - The Whole Tone Scale: This cool lesson focuses on the Whole Tone, which is a scale entirely, made up of Whole Steps. This scale originally gained popularity during the Impressionism Era during the late 1800's and was used predominantly by composers such as Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel.
- Lesson 22 - I'm Yours: This fun island feeling progression by Jason Mraz is a must know for any ukulele player. You'll learn a few new chords on (no open chords in this one) and a hip contemporary strum pattern with funky muted strums.
- Lesson 23 - Somewhere Over The Rainbow: What I can say, a timeless classic. First written in 1939 by Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg for the film "Wizard of Oz" sung by the incredible Judy Garland. This became a ukulele standard when Israel KamakawiwoŹ»ole, "IZ" recorded his own version in 1993. Since then it has become one of the most recognizable tunes played by ukulele players.-
- Lesson 24 - Reggae: In this lesson we will break down the strumming technique used by Bob Marley. The entire song only uses 3 chords, the I, IV, and V chords, but it is vital that it is played with the proper syncopation and feel. Trust me that this one is another crowd pleaser no matter who the audience is.
- Lesson 25 - Blues Rasgueado: Amaze your friends with the rasgueado technique taken from the world of Flamenco guitar. We'll keep the chords simply with a standard Blues progressions but the fingerstyle technique is one that will help you gain independence of each finger on your strumming hand. This one will push your ability but well worth the reward.
- Lesson 26 - Blues Triplet Strum: We'll be exploring a strum technique that you may have seen Jake Shimabukuro dazzle his audiences with. Once mastered you will be able to strum the strings with your 1st finger and your thumb faster than you can with a pick.
- Lesson 27 - Stormy Monday Blues: Written and recorded by T-Bone Walker in 1948 this tune helped encourage B.B. King to play electric guitar. This 12 bar blues takes the 3 basic blues chords and blows them out of the water with the use of 9th chords, half step sides, walk ups, and a 12/8 feel.
- Lesson 28 - Jazz Blues: In this lesson we will explore the Jazz Blues. This progression uses 7th chords, 9th chords, minor 7th chords, and a quick change to add 'grease' to the Blues. You will also learn how to use staccato and accented notes to make your strum pattern really 'swing.
Here Is Your Next Step...
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You have nothing to lose. Try Uke Like The Pros risk free and you'll be on your way to becoming a better ukulele player in just a few minutes.